Audientes meddelte i går, at de ekspanderer til Nepal gennem en distributionsaftale med M.B. Meditech, som vil sælge Ven™ på tværs af det sydasiatiske land.

Aftalen betyder, at Ven™ snart vil være tilgængelig for befolkningen i Nepal. M.B. Meditech forventer nemlig at starte salget i løbet af første kvartal 2023, og Audientes’ CEO, Steen Thygesen udtaler i denne forbindelse:

We are very happy that Ven will soon be available in Nepal and warmly welcome M.B. Meditech to the Audientes partner network. Hearing loss in Nepal is among the highest per capita in Asia with approximately 16% of the entire population suffering from some form of hearing loss. With only one audiologist for every 600,000 people, and a lack of affordable quality hearing aids, Nepal is a hugely underserved market. This agreement with M.B. Meditech is an important first step towards making Ven available to the many people in Nepal who could benefit from it.