Stenocare Q3 2022
Stenocare præsenterede ved årsregnskabet 2021 deres forventninger til 2022. Her lød forventningerne: “STENOCARE expects to file an application with the Danish Medicine Agency for producing and selling medical cannabis bulk products from the production facility during 2022. The timing of the approval depends on the process time at the Danish Medicine Agency. Therefore expectations to EBITDA in 2022 is a loss lower than realised in 2021. The Company expects the sales to reach an annual runtate of 15-20 mio. kr. towards the end of 2022 (annualization of Q4 run rate).” Gennem Nasdaq kan du finde de seneste nyheder fra Stenocare samt eventuelle justeringer i guidance.
Stenocares’ finanskalender er i skrivende stund:
Q3 2022: 9. november 2022
Bemærk: Selskaberne kan ændre deres finanskalender. Du kan tilgå den seneste version via selskabets investor-side.
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