Scandion Oncology har fået godkendt et patent til brugen af SCO-101 fra og med den 31. august 2021 af US Patent and Trademark Office.
Patentet dækker over den kombinationsbehandling, som Scandion Oncology kan levere med forskellige kræftbehandlings midler. Patentet løber frem til januar 2038.
Ifm. dagens nyhed udtaler selskabets CEO, Bo Rode Hansen:
We are pleased that the USPTO has recognized the uniqueness of SCO-101 and granted this patent. This is an important milestone on our journey of developing SCO-101 and internationalizing the company. We have obtained valuable patent protection for SCO-101 in the US, one of our projected key markets, increasing the commercial potential of SCO-101 and creating value for shareholders.
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