Den nye tyske regering med Olaf Sholz i spidsen, har foreslået et kontrolleret salg af cannabis.
Dermed ønsker Tyskland at skabe et kontrolleret marked for salg af cannabis, hvor der er skat, kvalitetskontrol og en beskyttelse af mindreårige.
Der er på nuværende tidspunkt ingen tidslinje for introduktionen af en legalisering. Alligevel mener CS Medica, at det åbner muligheder for en mere generel liberalisering af cannabis i Europa. Det formodes, at legaliseringen kan indbringe den tyske regering op mod 2,8 mia. EUR om året gennem skatter, samt spare dem for 1,36 mia. EUR ifm. retshåndhævelse af det illegale marked.
I denne forbindelse udtaler CEO, Lone Henriksen:
For a company providing pharmaceutical products containing cannabis and cannabinoids, this initiative is very satisfactory as it ‘eases’ the regulatory situation and shows a form of market acceptance.
We hope that Germany will mark the starting point for further legislation processes in Europe. These legislations are of great importance and can have potential effects on the operations of CS MEDICA.
The effects are not only connected to the market growth of our current product portfolio but also the upcoming dispenser product line. Legislations like these symbolize a sense of acceptance for our industry and we are glad that the market trends are moving in the right direction.
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