Audientes indstiller Frank Vium til bestyrelsen, når de afholder generalforsamling d. 21. april, hvor Elsebeth Finnick samtidig træder ud af bestyrelsen.
Frank Vium har en solid kommerciel erfaring fra teknologivirksomheder, og har ledet store teams på tværs af Europa, Kina, USA og Norden. Han har en stærk global markedsforståelse, og har ligeledes et godt kendskab til Emerging Markets, hvilket kan komme Audientes til gode ift. at vækste på det indiske marked. Udover Elsebeth Finnick består bestyrelsen i dag af Gitte Jürgens, RTX-direktøren Peter Røpke og bestyrelsesformanden Povl-André Bendz.
Bestyrelsesformand Povl-André Bendz udtaler:
We are extremely pleased that Frank has agreed to be nominated to our Board of Directors. With his many years of commercial experience in executive leadership roles in companies such as Microsoft, Nokia and IBM, spanning global markets from the US to China and emerging markets, he has the expertise needed to contribute to the further development of Audientes’ business. Frank’s appointment comes at the most opportune time for Audientes as we fully realize our commercialization strategy and are moving into the next phase, with our self-fitting hearing aid Ven available for sale in India.
I would also like to thank Elsebeth Finnick for her involvement and dedication to date as she will be stepping down from Audientes Board of Directors at the coming Annual General Meeting. Having been involved with Audientes for many years now, initially as a mentor and most recently as a Board Member, a role she assumed prior to the company’s IPO in 2020, we have appreciated and benefitted from her years of experience and unique insights from markets worldwide.
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