Brain+ kunne i går offentliggøre resultatet af deres fortegningsemission, hvor det fremgår, at 87,73% af de tilgængelige units er blevet tegnet.

Det medfører, at den totale aktiemængde vil stige fra 15.720.518 til 43.302.866, hvilket svarer til en udvanding af eksisterende aktionærer, der ikke deltog i fortegningsemissionen på omtrent 64%. Den samlede aktiemængde forventes at stige yderligere ifm. TO2 og TO3 warrants, der kan udnyttes til henholdsvis oktober 2023 og marts 2024.

Brain+ får i første ombæring 13,8 mio. kroner før omkostninger forbundet med emission. Her forventes der ligeledes at komme yderligere kapital til gennem TO2 og TO3 warrants, hvorfor selskabet dækker sig ind ift. det fremtidige kapitalbehov til at udvikle og markedsføre deres produkter.

I denne forbindelse udtaler CEO, Kim Baden-Kristensen:

There is a huge global need for better care and therapy to help people living with dementia, their relatives and the healthcare systems around them and a significantly growing acknowledgement of the potential in non-pharmaceutical solutions. This includes not least Cognitive Stimulation Therapy, the therapeutic foundation for our most mature products, and with the depth of knowledge built into our digital dementia technologies, we believe to have a strong foundation to take a lead in the field of digital dementia therapy.

With the new capital from our rights issue, we have fuel to continue both the market introduction of the first version of our new digital dementia product, CST-Therapist Companion, and advance the clinical development of the next, more advanced CST-based products in our pipeline. It is not the best conditions for a young growth company like Brain+ to raise capital, and I am very grateful to all existing shareholders who continue to support our development and to new shareholders who have shown their commitment to join us on our mission to relieve the heavy burden of dementia.