DanCann Pharma har i dag meddelt, at selskabets CEO, Jeppe Krog Rasmussen har valgt at lave en lockup-aftale på tre år af sin aktiebeholdning i DanCann Pharma.
Jeppe Krog Rasmussens beholdning består af 5.667.023 aktier i DanCann Pharma svarende til ca. 21,3% af aktierne. Med lockup-aftalen viser Jeppe sin dedikation og tro på DanCann Pharma, da det ikke var en nødvendighed at indgå denne aftale. Det skaber noget tryghed for investorerne, da det begrænser direktørens mulighed for at sælge aktier.
Forholdene i aftalen gør, at Jeppe årligt må sælge op til 10% af sin aktiebeholdning i tilfælde af, at selskabets markedsværdi når et bestemt niveau. Hvis ikke markedsværdien overstiger niveauet, er aktierne låst. Aftalen løber til og med 2024.
Jeppe Krog Rasmussen udtaler ifm. aftalen:
Looking just a few years back to when and where it all started, it’s truly amazing what we have accomplished, building up this company from scratch. It has continuously required a lot of dedication, long nights, and sacrifice – and I’m still standing with an even stronger belief in being able to make a difference for the many patients, who need a company like ours.
This is my little child that I have given birth to with my very first own money and capital back in the days, seen it become a teenager and soon to become an adult, something I do not want to miss.
I do this to show my fully commitment and dedication to this project, and because I believe in an even brighter future with some truly amazing milestones in front of us.
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